Pricing scheme


The same rules apply to all players whatever their profile or size.

Outbound traffic is charged and inbound traffic provides revenue.

The price scales automatically to the member's actual throughput. Everyone benefits from a fair price, transparently, whithout any commitment.

The amount, either payable or receivable, grows as throughput increases.


Inbound and outbound rates, aggregated on all allocated ports, are measured every five minutes. Their respective monthly value is determined using the 95th percentile method.

The prices per Mb/s are calculated using continuous functions applied to monthly values, from the first bit.

For outbound traffic, it's a decreasing function providing a degressive price, in a similar way to usual IP transit.

For inbound traffic, the Mb/s price increases progressively in order to support the development of access networks' infrastructures then slowly decreases to accomodate high capacity transport.

Additionnal monthly fixed fees apply to ports usage, according to their type (Gigabit, 10Gigabit, etc).

Terms and prices

Access to the service comes with a flat monthly fee based on privileged access mode.

Access mode Port type Setup fees Monthly charges
HOPUS Partner HOPUS Partner
Direct 1 Gb/s LX 0 € N/A 50 € N/A
Direct 10 Gb/s LR 0 € N/A 200 € N/A
Direct 100 Gb/s LR4 0 € N/A 900 € N/A
Wave WDM 1 Gb/s 250 €


Sipartech 450 €

25 €


Sipartech 125 €

Wave WDM 10 Gb/s 1250 €


Sipartech 450 €

100 €


Sipartech 125 €

Wave WDM secured

double adduction and distincts paths

1 Gb/s 450 €

Sipartech 999 €

50 €

Sipartech 499 €

Wave WDM secured

double adduction and distincts paths

10 Gb/s 2150 €

Sipartech 999 €

200 €

Sipartech 499 €

Equinix-IX Gateway 1 VLAN † 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 €
LyonIX Gateway 1 VLAN † 0 € see LyonIX 0 € see LyonIX
DE-CIX Gateway 1 VLAN † 0 € 200 € 0 € see DE-CIX

12 months contract, prices excluding taxes
† no revenue for inbound traffic
Sipartech WDM service has to be ordered on the website

You can register now.

This service is only for network operators. On approval, you'll receive a confirmation email.